Payment Information
The amount for Nepse Update is Rs. 5000/- only.
Please make your payment by scanning the QR code.
You can also make a payment by transferring the amount to the following bank account:
Bank: NMB Bank Ltd.
Branch: Kumaripati
A/C: 0160144347500014
A/C Name: Growth School of Investment and Management Pvt Ltd
Please send us a screenshot of your payment receipt on our WhatsApp (9802301100) or Viber (9802301100) in order to verify the payment.
कृपया पेमेण्ट स्लिप हाम्रो WHATS APP (9802301100) वा VIBER (9802301100) मा पठाउनुहोला। पेमेण्ट भेरिफिकेशन पछि तपाईको मेम्बरशिप सुचारु हुनेछ। थप जानकारी आबश्यक भएमा 9802301100 मा फोन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। धन्यबाद!
Once your payment is verified, your account will be upgraded to ‘Gold Member’, and you’ll be able to view the premium videos on NEPSE Update page.